The Problem
We are all compelled by something, and the thing that truly compels us is revealed not just through the words we speak, but through the life we live.
A study was recently done that found 69% of U.S. adults self-identify as Christians, but as the study continued, only 9% of those who claim to be Christians actually have a biblical worldview. Scripture says that as a person thinks, so are they. So if only 9% have a biblical worldview, that means only 9% of self-identified believers are actually living out their faith in Jesus.
Why such a great disconnect?
It’s because many of us say we are about one thing, and yet we are living compelled by another. We say we are with, for, and about Jesus, but we are living our day to day life compelled by our fears, need for status, and avoidance of inconveniences. We are living as comfortable Christians. Our desire to stay comfortable is keeping us from boldly living out our faith. We are professing to be Christians, yet making daily choices of instant gratification instead of unconditionally following Jesus.
The apostle Paul wrote these words that I pray are said of us:“The love of Christ compels us.”
How would your life look different if the gospel wasn’t just something you were familiar with, but it was the very thing that compelled your life?